
Our Hazelnut



The hazelnut is the hero ingredient of Ferrero Rocher, both in taste and texture, and offers that unmistakeable crunch. Our hazelnuts come primarily from Chile & Argentina, Italy, Turkey and the USA, including on our own farms, run by the Ferrero Hazelnut Company. In our Hazelnut Charter, we state our ambition to contribute to a hazelnut industry where production creates value for all. A system where farmers and farming communities are thriving, workers’ and children’s rights are respected, and where the environment is enhanced through regenerative agriculture practices.                  

Responsibly sourced hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are a key ingredient in Ferrero Rocher, and we're committed to helping to create a more sustainable hazelnut supply chain.  We only source hazelnuts from suppliers that have signed and follow our Supplier Code which specifies our standards regarding human rights and social practices, environmental protection and sustainability, and supplier transparency.   We also work with hazelnut farmers to develop and share innovative and sustainable farming practices. We have our own Agrifarms, located in Chile, Argentina, Georgia and Serbia, where we share good agricultural and social practices. One of the areas we focus on is demonstrating the benefits of regenerative agriculture - working with nature to deliver the best results, including building soil health and enhancing biodiversity.


Creating value in the hazelnut supply chain

Through our Ferrero Hazelnut Company, we are supporting hazelnut growing by working towards understanding and demonstrating the benefits of regenerative agriculture. This means our long-term focus is on  promoting growing methods that include improving soil health, protecting and optimising the use of resources, and enhancing biodiversity.


Supporting hazelnut farming communities

We work with international and national organisations to address social challenges in the hazelnut supply chain. Our projects aim to improve the resilience of farmers and communities, and the living and working conditions of seasonal workers. Meanwhile, through our FFV (Ferrero farming values) programme and our 75-person team, we work with more than 25,000 farmers in Turkey to implement good agricultural and social practices.


Our quality approach to hazelnuts

Ensuring good quality hazelnuts to provide consumers with the unique Ferrero Rocher experience means not only choosing the best, but knowing where they come from and how they were grown. After the harvest, hazelnuts are dried and cleaned, sorted by size, cracked carefully, and then finally we make our selection. There are more than 300 hazelnut varieties in the world, and we choose only the best for the heart of our Ferrero Rocher, before roasting them and combining them with our other ingredients.


Our commitment to hazelnut traceability

Tracing our hazelnuts back to their origin is a key to ensuring a supply chain that creates value for all. The only way to meet our standards of quality and sustainability is to know where the raw materials come from and how they were produced. In 2023 (2022 northern hemisphere - 2023 southern hemisphere) our level of traceability has reached 90% traceable to farm level.